The Story of

my patients

Success stories from our patients

Real-life transformation journeys

Yuli Gutierrez, Mexicali B.C.

Having undergone a bariatric surgery of course it was difficult to decide but when we are in the hands of experts as it is my star surgeon Dr. Maytorena Soto Gil there is no reason to doubt or be afraid, quite the opposite is a guarantee that the surgery will be a success as it was with me.

Ruben Juarez, Yuma Az

Dr. Maytorena changed my life, now I am a man of 160 pounds, previously of 350 lbs.
Thank you.

Michele Grant, Florida

Dr. Maytorena and his staff were excellent. They made sure I was comfortable and the facilities were to super standards.

Dr. Yunuen Solis

Already 4 years after my surgery … I want to thank Dr. Maytorena for being part of this great change in my life …

Francisco López

The operation helped me to be happier and to believe more in the sport that I like so much… I feel very good! I really recommend it to others, so they can give themselves a “push” to low down that extra weight and start getting more active, my experience has been very beautiful.

Freyah Richard

Dr. Jorge Maytorena Soto Gil, down 86 lbs! I still see the girl to the left when i look in the mirror so i have to compare with picts. Im so thankful for my lifestyle change.

Hugo Fernando

A year has passed since the surgery, I feel very good with me, weighing 140 kg now I weigh 79 kg, I have no way to thank the people who made this possible, I can only say THANK YOU Dr. Jorge Maytorena


6 months ago I decided to change my life, feel better, healthier and more vital; for those reasons I approached to the best. Dr. Jorge Maytorena and his team gave me the confidence to decide to perform this surgery and I am very happy, Thank you!